What is Teeny Seeds?

Teeny Seeds is a learning centre for children to explore their interest and build their abilities through a fun play-based learning.
“Giving the best”, is a natural desire that comes from every parent for their child. It is not only about the physical needs that parents could provide for their children, but other areas that play important roles to help their growth and development holistically.

Teeny Seeds’s presence is simply to help and be a teammate with parents to nurture the children in growing their potential, which we strongly believe has been naturally given to each child since they were born. Children need ‘good soil’, which means a space to explore their potential and activate their interest of learning to grow big, tall, high and strong to the maximum.

We believe every child blooms uniquely on their own. Their growth is precious, hence we provide the best for your children.

Growth always starts from
small steps 🌱

Our Vision

To be a place for children to explore their interest and grow their potential, to contribute to their surroundings and the world.

N urturing

We believe that children need a safe place and space where they can engage in learning.

E xcellence

When excellence becomes a habit, it shapes to be our attitude.

S incerity

Commitment to be open minded and truthful.

T eammate

We believe on collaboration with parents as teammate to strive the best for children’s optimal development.
We help and encourage children to be lifelong learners and experience the fun of learning.

Our Mission

Our Core Values


Take a look at our classes your child could attend 🎨